Fuad Ahmed

Is there any parameter for happiness? Is it possible to transform the human to be a complete sense of happiness? What differences are there between happiness and self-content?

There are millions of questions we can ask ourselves about happiness. What is the key striking point that comes to our mind first when it is a question of happiness? It is a vital factor and maybe the potential force to determine your level of happiness. What is it? It is “money”. But does it reflect the complete scenario of the whole world of happiness? Well, let’s explore it and dig it for a little further to find out what happiness is really all about.

First of all, I would like to share some of my experiences with readers. Eleven years ago, when I first arrived in Sydney, I was virtually penniless. But I had no problem at all when it came to the point of happiness. Yes, I could sense a flavor of happiness with less stress, little expectations and the feeling of being free to travel with my family anytime anywhere. But even though now I may have some savings or property, I definitely don’t have the same taste and flavor of happiness I had eleven years ago.

There are always some ups and downs in life and there are definitely different phases in life like childhood, teenage, middle age, old age etc. These are also sometime play a vital role in controlling our mental strength and status.

In addition, other factors influence a great deal of force like our surroundings and the outer world’s tension and agitation. However, one of the very funny factors that also put great weight in this argument is “smile.” Some critics say we smile a lot less as a nation (Bangladesh) and are very touchy and less tolerant in average. Critics also say it is in our tradition to compete and try to topple with others when it comes to the point of fame and fortune.

But why do we smile less compared to the western race? Smile freely is also one of the key factors, which also could hold the secret of happiness.

As part of my profession, I have the opportunity to talk with different types of people. Lots of people agreed on one point that we deserved to be happy and we are very fortunate compared with the millions of distressed people around the globe. If we can put a little pause in life, give a good thinking and say that ‘That’s it, I need to slow down now and need a break.’

Can we start to think “outside of square?” Wake up in the morning, ready to go to work, spend nearly whole day at work, come back home, little family time, enjoy watching Television, and go to bed, is this sort of life we dream for? Well something is missing here in obvious way that is happiness. There is some sort of monotonous factor usually influence a lot in this sort of life style. Can you tell why people are getting bored in these  

Days? The bored ness usually make people more tired mentally which cause much destruction to achieve our very goal of happiness. If there are less diversity and Challenge in life, there is every chance to get bored in every step of life. Somebody except the bored ness as a part of life game, somebody try to find the real answer to overcome this situation.

One of the very vital points of happiness is self-content. Definitely self content varies from person to person. Sometimes, a lot of people turn their lifestyle into a stricter religious pattern where they are more self content. It reflects less expectation and more tolerance.

Now I will try to illustrate some of the very core factors which cause a major setback in our normal life in Bangladesh that fluctuates our mental status and happiness. As a nation, we are very proud of being a citizen of Bangladesh. We know how to resist floods, droughts and the different odds we face that become a very part of our lifestyle.

Millions of people in such a tiny place but still I think we are coping well as a nation. As we can recollect what we had heard from our grandparents, once people had a very simple life with freshness and happy surroundings. Now, it is unfortunate that we are trying to blend with the modern world so rapidly, it is wiping away our very essence of a simple, happy life.

There may be other biological factors as well as some physiological balance of human chemistry have direct influence on happiness but the parameter of happiness often vary on 60:40 ratio or vice versa in general term. Nobody can claim in this world that there are some sort of absolute term of 100% happiness exists at all. If we do not feel sorrow and sadness, how we can possibly taste the real flavour of happiness. If somebody says, “We never argue (as husband and wife) at all for the sack of happiness...” Critics says it’s boring and little flat in taste. The real taste needs some sort of spicy ingredients or toppings so it will taste better than before. Again, this is all about individual’s level of taste power and varieties.

Well there is always some trial and error perimeter to adjustment the level happiness and related pattern, but obvious question coming in our mind all the time, “Are we really happy?”


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