Fuad Ahmed JP


Some while ago I was in a group discussion in my friend’s house and the topic was mainly rotating towards our culture and young generation.

In one instance one of the very dominated speaker was trying to point out some criticism towards our fading practice of culture with our young generation in this days. He was particularly pointed out one incident he experienced in a common public place. According to his conversation a group of Bangladeshi youth (some having spiky coloured hair) were chating, giggling and had some funny look with pretty girls which the speaker found abnormal and out of character towards our culture.

In the context of the above conversation I was little lost and asked myself “ what really is our culture?”

I can assure the readers, it is not my intention to heart any particular cultural believers or other races. I also acknowledge and convey my best respect to all the people (samples), which I will try to illustrate on the following discussion.

Today I will evaluate four-sample cases of young generation and their cultural manifesto and believes. Please note that all the youths in this sample are university student or relevant age or academic. Their parents also having good academic background and excellence.



Youth profile: The boy in first sample brought up in a very strict religious rules and parents tried to motivate him through all of his tiny life about religion and way of living according to that beliefs. Their academic results vary from 75%-92% on average.

Parent’s profile: It is obvious to say that the parents (mainly Dad) were very much involved in politics at university level when they were young and had a modern life style until they changed their whole values towards strict religious culture before 10-12 years ago.

Youth’s feelings: They have great respect to their parents and their beliefs. Sometimes they confused when they tried to mingle with student in university and some cultural gathering. They also sometime lost and asked themselves “ what is our culture?”

Verdict: As Muslim, we always value a great deal of respect in their religious beliefs. But does it reflect the complete scenario of our culture?



Youth’s profile: The youth are under good supervision and practice religious values which they inherited from their parents. But they are not as strict as the first sample. They are also allowed to attend sports and outside activities in some extend. Their academic results vary from 87%-96%.

Parent’s profile: This group of parents practices their religious activities by attending religious discussion in weekly basis. The weekly session mainly operate from 1- hour religious discussion followed by pray and dinner.

Youth’s feeling: Very much loyal to their beliefs and good respect for their parents and their beliefs. Sometimes feel little stuffy but ready to accept the culture inherited from parents.

Verdict: This sample of parents generally uphold some sort of pride about their depth of knowledge and mostly non- penetrable when some discussions prevail in separate non-formal cultural gathering; Those parents are always right in their attitude and very proud the way they build up their children.



Youth’s profile: This sample of youths inherits a very open and frank environment of cultural beliefs from their parents and they are very friendly and well communicate with their Dad and Mum. Religious beliefs are also in their way of life but very moderate way. Example: They have no restriction to eat KFC chicken while they are for an outing but other two samples never think to eat KFC chicken which completely out of their character. Sometimes this sort of youths colour and spike the hairstyle, drive hi-speed turbo car but very gentle in nature. Academic score varies from 90%-98%.

Parent’s profile: Always try to communicate with children and listen their values which the youth adopt and experience in outside world. But the parents always remind them about their boundary of decency and manner.

Youth’s feeling: Very happy and well-mannered and much better understanding of the outside world.

Verdict: Even though the parent feels some sort of pinch and criticism from sample-1 and sample-2 the way they build up their children but this sort of parents still adopt open-minded approach with children. They also believe there should be some sort of negotiations much needed with the present modern and western values with the Deshi cultures. Also adjust themselves and their kids in that sort decent mixture. Obviously they always keep in mind of the very decency and goodness of their own cultures. 



Youth’s profile: Pretty much involve in different kind of cultural activities, which they purely inherited from their parents. They are also very happy and delightful youths having moderate religious activity. These sorts of youths have lot of cultural involvements and lot of contributions towards Sydney’s cultural arena.

Parents profile: On top of their academic excellence and carrier, they always find some time for cultural involvements and as well as time for local politics. This kind of parents heavily involve in social gathering and different cultural and political activities.

Youth’s feeling: Usually well mannered and capable to handle wide range of responsibility at a time.

Verdict: Despite the huge contributions in local cultural and political world, these parents sometimes start to feel like traditional Bangladeshi leaders while they sometimes lost their natural decency and politeness.


CONCLUSION: There may be some other group of religions or separate believers but at the end, the obvious question arises in our mind, “ what really is our culture?”  


Home                                27/07/2006