Kamrul Ahsan Khan

Co-ordinator, BEN Australia


Australian BEN members contribute towards environment movement in Bangladesh!


As part of its annual fund drive for 2006, Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) collected $1125 from its members in Australia, BEN is a net work of non-resident Bangladeshis and their international friends committed to help Bangladesh confront her environmental problems. BEN is a global network, spreading from the US to Japan and having members in many countries in between, including a large contingent in Australia. BEN uses Internet to establish connection among NRBs and their international friends and mobilize their resources for the cause of Bangladesh’s environment. BEN has been active in Australia for about six years now, and BEN members in Australia have participated in BEN annual fund drives in previous years too.


BEN activities in Australia got an impetus last year from a visit by BEN Coordinator, Prof. Nazrul Islam. During his visit, seminars and meetings were organized in Canberra, Sydney, and Melbourne to discuss growing environmental problems of Bangladesh and how non-resident Bangladeshis can contribute to solving these problems. The news about these seminars was widely covered by Bangladeshi websites in Australia. Several Bangladeshi radio stations broadcasted interviews with Prof. Nazrul Islam. Many mainstream Australian journalists and social activists have also shown interest in participating in the work of BEN.


BEN has played a crucial role in bringing pro-environment forces of Bangladesh together and initiating a united nationwide environment movement in Bangladesh, as represented by Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA). Campaigns launched by BAPA have played a crucial role in bringing about several positive changes such as (i) introduction of unleaded gasoline, (ii) eradication of the two-stroke engines vehicles (scooters), (iii) imposition of ban on the use of plastic bags, and (iv) demolition of many river encroaching structures. In general thanks to BAPA activities, there is now a much higher awareness about environmental issues in Bangladesh. BEN-BAPA cooperation is one of the pioneering success stories of NRB-RB cooperation in addressing Bangladesh’s problems. The prospects of this cooperation are bright.


BEN is an entirely member-supported organization with zero overhead costs. The fund raised by BEN is channeled to Bangladesh to support the work of BAPA and other pro-environment projects. BEN accounts are audited and are open to the public. (For more information, please contact BEN Treasurer, Mr. Muhitur Rahman at muhit@cinci.rr.com) 


The BEN team of Australia thanks all who participated in the BEN 2006 fundraising. We hope that more NRBs in Australia will come forward and take part in this noble effort to save Bangladesh’s environment. To join BEN please send an e-mail to either Prof. Nazrul Islam at s_n_islam@yahoo.com or Mr. Kamrul Ahsan Khan at kamrulahsan@yahoo.com or visit www.BEN-Center.org .)


Home                                22/06/2006