In a bid to lift the spirit of togetherness at a new level, the BUET graduates of 1987 living in Sydney and surrounding areas organised a get-together party at Macquarie Fields Community Hall, on March 02, 2008, in Sydney. More & Photos... Archives...
Sent By: Kamrul Ahsan Khan Bangladesh-Australia Disaster Relief Committee (BADRC) raised an amount of $11,880 from the dinner held on the 3rd of February 2008 for the Cyclone victims (SIDR) of Bangladesh. More & Photos... The Baulkham Hills Holroyd Parramatta Migrant Resource Centre invites you to the launch of the Bangladeshi Community & Business Directory. Tuesday, 1st April 2008, 6:00 pm Parramatta Migrant Resource Centre,15 Hunter St, Details... Sent By: Kamrul Ahsan Khan Ekushe Academy Australia Boi Mela-2008
Ekushe Academy Australia organised their 10th annual Boi Mela on the 24th of February, 2008 at Ashfield Park, Sydney in ideal summer weather. The Acting High Commissioner of Bangladesh, Mr. Restadul Islam, officially inaugurated the mela in front of many distinguished guests, Federal MP, community leaders and local Bangladeshi community. More & Photos... Sent By: Dr. Qaiyum Parvez ----------------------
Bangla Mela-2008,The Bangladesh Welfare Society Campbelltown (BWSC) organised a Bangla Mela-2008 at Campbelltown Sports Centre on the 16th of February, 2008. The mela was opened at 12:30 pm with the hoisting of the Bangladesh National flag by Mr. Nazrul Islam, Counsellor of the Bangladesh High Commission; the Australian flag by Federal MP Mr. Chris Hayes; and the BWSC flag by BWSC President, Mr. Nazrul Islam in front of the mayor, counsellor, dignitaries and many community leaders. More &Photos.. |
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