Clink here to buy Tickets ON LINE.... Jewel Aich promotional VDO...
Clink here to buy Tickets ON LINE.... A fund-raising dinner was organised by Maureen & Laurie Ferguson lead by Kabita Chakma on 2nd of September 2016. More & Photos... Sent by Helal Morshedi... Sent By Helal Morshedi Sent By Helal Morshedi.
সিডনীর বাংলাদেশীদের জন্য আজ
(27 Aug ) এক দুঃখ ভারাক্রান্ত দিন . আজ আমাদেরকে ছেড়ে না ফেরার দেশে চলে
গেলেন সবার প্রিয় ড: আব্দুল হক ভাই (BUET ME 1971) . এভাবে হটাৎ করে উনি চলে
যাবেন তা আমরা কেউই বুঝতে পারিনি . উনার এভাবে চলে যাওয়াতে আমাদের যে কি
অপূরণীয় ক্ষতি হলো তা উপলব্ধি করতে আমাদের অনেক সময় লাগবে. উনাকে চিনি সিডনীতে
আসার পর সেই 1992 সাল থেকে . একটা মানুষ কিভাবে এতকিছুতে জড়িয়ে মানুষকে
সাহায্য করতে পারেন এবং অন্যকে ভালো কাজে উজ্জীবিত করতে পারেন তা একমাত্র হক
ভাইকে দিয়েই সম্ভব . Good Morning BDesh , Talent Program, আহসানিয়া মিশন
Cancer hospital, Sunday Quran class, Riverstone Muslim Cemetry, Quakers Hill
Masjid, Senior Citizen Retirement Village এরকম লিস্ট লিখে শেষ করা যাবে না .
সিডনীর বাংলাদেশীরা আজ একজন নিবেদিত অভিভাবক হারালো . ইনশা আল্লাহ উনি উনার সকল
ভালো কাজের পুরষ্কার মহান আল্লাহ তালার কাছ থেকে পাবেন . সবচেয়ে লক্ষণীয় বিষয়
হলো, যে হাসপাতাল এর জন্য রাত দিন পরিশ্রম করে ফান্ড তুলেছেন সেই Westmead
Hospital এ শেষ সেবা নিয়ে উনি মারা গেলেন . আগামীকাল উনার জানাজা নামাজ হবে সেই
Quakers Hill মসজিদে যা উনার একান্ত প্রচেষ্টা ও পরিশ্রমে প্রতিষ্টিত হয়েছিল
এবং সবশেষে উনাকে দাফন করা হবে উনারই অবদানে Blacktown কাউন্সিল থেকে পাওয়া
Riverstone Muslim Cemetry তে . এরকম সৌভাগ্য কয়জনের জীবনে হয় . দুর্ভাগ্য
শুধু আমাদের আরও অনেক কিছু অর্জনের আগেই উনাকে হারাতে হলো. কোয়াকর্স হিল
মসজিদে উনার সাথে গত কয়েকবছর খুবই কাছে থেকে মসজিদের উন্নয়নের জন্য কাজ করার
সৌভাগ্য হয়েছিল যার স্মৃতি আমার অম্লান থাকবে . আজ উনি মারা যাবার পর Quakers
Hill মসজিদে প্রতি ওয়াক্তে নামাজ পড়তে গিয়ে নিজের অজান্তে বারবার চোখ ভিজে
যাচ্ছিল. Quakers Hill মসজিদের প্রতিটি কোনায় হক ভাইয়ের ছুঁয়া পাওয়া যাবে. আর
Westmead হসপিটালে রানা , সাথী, ভাবী আর আলম ভাইকে সান্তনা দেওয়ার কোনো ভাষা
আমি খুজে পাচ্ছিলাম না. আমি নিজের বাবাকে হারিয়েছি আজ থেকে 33 বছর আগে আর আজ
মনে হলো আবার ও খুবই কাছের কাউকে হারালাম . Sent By Helal Morshedi This TREE PLANTATION PROGRAM is a collaborative initiative between Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB), Australia and Greening Australia. Bangladesh High Commission Canberra organised a Rabindra, Nazrul Jayanti and Bangla New Year celebration on the 8th of May 2016. More & Photos...
The Bangladeshi Cricketers Night is being held on 29 May 2016 at Conca D'Oro Hall, 269 Belmore Road, Riverwood. Details...
Namaz-e-Janaaza of Dr. Golam Taufiq Kamal will be held today
, Wednesday(18/05/2016) at Lakemba Mosque (Wangee Road) after Zuhr prayer.
Zuhr Prayer at 11:45am. Dr.Taufiq had a tragic death last Thursday at Rooty
Syeda Nazneen Hyder Passed Away:
Tragic Death of a Bangladeshi Doctor in Rooty Hill,
Sydney (Motor Vehicle accident) Report.... Photos..... Archives...
Daily Telegraph... ABC.... Helal Morshedi.
Ekushe Academy Australia arranged a grand celebration on the eve of the 10th Anniversary of International Mother Language Day Monument at the Ashfield Boys High school Auditorium, on the 14th of February 2016.. More & photos.. http://ekusheacademy.com/ Archives... Archives... http://ekusheacademy.com/ Archives... http://ekusheacademy.com/ Sent By Helal Morshedi. Sent By Helal Morshedi.
Archives.. http://ekusheacademy.com/ Sent By Helal Morshedi. This is Rajit's first ever writing in Sydneybashi-bangla.com. This Article was recently published in the Durga Puja's latest publications by Sydney Utshab. Mayor of Liverpool invited residence of Holsworthy to a celebratory barbeque on Saturday, 3 October at the new and improved Harris creek Reserve in Holsworthy. More & Photos... Bogra Samity of Australia organised their annual dinner and cultural night at Lakemba Library Auditorium on the 29th of August, 2015.. More & Photos... Collection from Pitha Fair 2015 in aid of Ahsania Mission Cancer Hospital, TOTAL $6480.30. Details...
Parramatta Park: 24/09/15,7:30AM (Sharp) Details Quakers Hills Masjid: 24/09/15,8:30AM (Sharp) Details AMWC Campbelltown : 24/09/15,8:00AM (Sharp) Details Bangladesh High Commission Canberra observed the National Mourning Day 2015.....More & Photos... Archives... Residences of Eastlakes celebrated their annual Pitha Utshab & musical evening on 1st of August 2015. More... Sent by Sheikh Najmul Ahsan Sent By Dr. qaiyum Parvez Sent by Sheikh Najmul Ahsan Sent by Abed Chaudhury Sent by Abed Chaudhury Archives... www.ekusheacademy.com Where there's a will there's a
way out... Sent By Halal Morshedi. BSPC Celebrated ‘Rabindra-Nazrul-Sukanto’ Jayanti 2015. More & photos.. Bangabandhu Council Australia organised a Boishaki Mela on the 18th of April 2015, at Olympic Park. More & photos... Bangabandhu Parishad organised a Boishaki Mela on the 11th of April 2015 at Robyn Webster Sports Centre. More & photos... Sent By Helal Morshedi.
Sent By Helal Morshedi. Archives... www.ekusheacademy.com/ Sent by Helal Morshedi Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra Q & A on Bangladesh Archives.. Sent by Dr. Shams Rahman
Sent by Helal Morshedi
M. Jalaluddin Talukdar Passed Away (Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun)
Archives... Sent By Najmul Sheikh Sent By Dr. Qaiyum Parvez. Bangladesh Awami League Australia has observed Jail Killing day at Bonolata Restaurant, Rockdale, Sydney on 9 November 2014. More... Sent By Helal Morshedi. www.Parramasala.com Sent by Councillor Shahadat chowdhury Sent by Dr. Qaiyum parvez. Bangladesh Society Gold Coast (BSGC) organised a Boishaki Mela on the 18th May 2014 at Upper Coomera, Gold Coast. More & Photos... Shamsul Haque Khan ( BUET Graduate) of Macquarie Link Passed away (Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajiun) on 3rd of June 2014. We pray for his departed soul and express our deepest condolences to all the members of his bereaved family. His Namaj-e-Janaza will be held tomorrow 4th of July at 12:00pm at Lakemba Mosque. Our deepest condolences and sympathy go to his family. The Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre was full with People. Sent By Ratan Kundu
Poster... Press Release... www.ekusheacademy.com Sent by Najmul Sheikh. Sent by Najmul Sheikh Aus-Bangla Tourism PTY Ltd. hosted a Bangladesh Tourism Night at Petersham Town Hall. More & Photos... VDO.. Prothom-Alo... Independent... New Age... Daily Star... Financial Express Bangla Proshar Committee is currently running a signature campaign for introduction of Bangla as an ATAR subject at HSC level in NSW. Please Singn.... Dhaka University Alumni Association in Australia organised the Annual General Meeting and cultural program-2013 at Granville Town Hall on 10th of November 2013. More & photos... Sent By Helal Morshedi A fund-raising dinner was organised by Bangladesh Forum for Community Engagement in association with Rotary Australia. More & Photos... Bangladesh Society of Sydney Inc. organised a Bosonto Mela on the 12th of October 2013 at Jubilee Oval, Kogorah. More & Photos... Sur-O-Dhwani presented a musical program on the 152nd birth anniversary of poet Rabindranath Tagore. More & photos... Rajshahi University Alumni Association in Australia organised the annual dinner night-2013, as they do every year, at Quakers Hill community centre on 5th of October 2013. More & Photos... Archives... www.ekusheacademy.com
Mr. Abdul Mannan Passed Away! BD High Comm Archives... Kobitar Bikel Archives... Sent By Dr. Shams Rahman A man of inspiration Dr Enam of Enam Medical College, Savar. Sent By Nawshad Shah Sent by Sirajus Salekin Good Morning Bangladesh raised $22580.00 this year. More.. Archives... Feedback..Cr Shahadat Chowdhury... BADRC Activity Report... Laurie Ferguson Speech... Husic Speech... Federation Chamber PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BUSINESS Human Rights: Bangladesh . Details... Dedication of an Australian... I know (work mate) kevin very well, he is a very kind hearted, simple and humble family man.
More info on Kevin's run:
http://kevintiller.com/bangla-dash2013/ Make a donation here: http://kevintiller.com/bangla-dash2013/donations-for-bangla-dash-2013/ Kevin will definitely be blogging to his website along the way - http://kevintiller.com Pradeep Ray, a professor of information technology at the Australian School of Business, is the founder of the International Initiative for Ubiquitous Healthcare. Ekushe Academy Australia celebrated their 15th annual Boi Mela on the 24th of February, 2013 at Ashfield Park, Sydney. More & photos... A fund-raising dinner was organised by the Bangladeshi Friends of Action Aid Australia Inc to raise funds for the Action Aid project with the intention of ongoing support for the more disadvantaged and street girls in Bangladesh. More & photos Sent by Helal Morshedi. CD
launching program-1 of Amia Matin's
new album. CD launching program-2 of Amia Matin's new album.
Bd-pratidin... Daily
Bengal Barota...
Bdnewds24.... Manobkantha... Dailyinqilab... Dailynabaraj... Mediabarta... Dailyinqilab... Manobkan tha... shokalerkhabor... Jugantor... Binodonbd... Bd-pratidin...
A special Memorial Day program was held on the 11th of November. More & Photos... Life sketch of Sirajul Islam...
Sangbad Pratidin presented Sydney Probash Parboni for the people of the subcontinent. More & Photos... A ghorua musical evening was organised by Mr & Mrs Monsur in honour of Agun on the 10th of October, 2012. More & photos... Sent by Dr. Qaiyum Parvez Sent by Rajat Pandit The Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Bangladeshi Architects in Australia (BAA) and Bangladesh High Commission in Australia jointly launched an Exhibition & Seminar on “Bringing Architects together” opened on the 14 -15 September 2012 in Melbourne, Australia. More & Photos... Archives... Comments by Prof Atique... Rajuk Chairman & IEB (The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh) president Engr. Nurul Huda recently came to Australia in an official tour accompanied with chief engineer Engr. Emdadul Islam. More & photos... Sent by Najmul Sheikh Sent By Helal Morshedi Sent by Kamrul Ahsan Khan.
Report.... Photos... Archives... Sent by Nazrul Islam Sent By Dr. Qaiyum Parvez. Anandadhara Readers Forum organised a literature evening with prominent writer Samaresh Majumder. More & photos... Sent By Najmul Ahsan Sheikh Report....(Press Release) Archives... Bangladesh High Commission Celebrates 41st Independence & National Day With The Spirit of Liberation War. More & photos...
A special Memorial Day program was held on the 18th of March, 2012 for the passing of famous and renowned artist and actor, Humayan Faridi, at Macquarie Fields Community Centre. More & Photos... Sent by Dr. Qaiyum Parvez Sent by Dr. Qaiyum Pavez Sent by Najmul Ahsan Sheikh Sent By Helal Morshedi Bangladesh High Commission Canberra celebrated the 40th anniversary of Victory Day to commemorate the historic moment of December 16, 1971.. More & photos... Archives...
Ekushe Academy Australia held a small get-together for honoured, Mr. Shyamal Dutta, Editor of Daily Bhorer Kagoj, on the 3rd of November 2011 at Ashfield Park Shahid Minar. More & Photos... Archives... -------------------------
Professor Dr. Musharrif Husain Khan (MH Khan) is a Professor in Mech & Production Engg. Dept. of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) as well as Advisor of the University, Ex Vice Chancellor of BUET. He came to Sydney on the 24th of September, 2011 and met with some ex-BUET students, AUST students and their families at Wattle Grove community Centre. More & photos...
Nazrul-The Rebel Poet:The Consul General of India and Macquarie University’s India Research Centre Celebrated the work of Bangladesh National poet Kazi Nazrul Islam on Saturday, 27 August 2011 at Macquarie University, North Ryde, More & Photos... Sent by Nawshad Shah
The launching ceremony of new book “Atharo-gram”, written by Sunil John Gomes’s, was held on the 3rd of July, 2011 at Rockdale church Hall , Sydney. More & Photos...
BUET87 lifted the spirit of togetherness to a new high by organising a mid year party at a local Thai restaurant. It was their 14th consecutive party since 2006. |
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